Advertising is the soul of commerce, that is correct, and a lot of entrepreneurs are understanding by that the fact of using all kind of resources to increase their sales reports. From online advertising to the use of used printing presses to make publicity materials, they are all the best methods to make yourself the most important in the eyes of the customers.
Now if we are supposed to choose between an advertising method or another, we might not give you a precise answer. Both of them, the online marketing solutions and the printed materials using some used printing presses are as well easy to use and profitable as well.[adsenseyu1]
Still when talking about printed materials for advertising, well here is a little discussion, due to the fact that if in some cases people are using the Internet as a research resource, the printed materials can prove to be a really handy substitute of advertising.
We were passing the last day on a street when we saw a really large banner that was advertising for a shoes brand company. Maybe that company didn’t need to advertise on the street, clearly the shareholders have enough money to pay for an online advertising package (SEO, Adwords etc..). still they had choose to put their name on a street, using an advertising banner with large sizes, visible to everyone from any corner you look.
We think that this is clearly a way to make yourself known. Let’s imagine, shall we, what would be the result of advertising with this kind of banners for a small company. This can be a real hot weapon in a war zone named competition and advertising.
On this kind of advertising poster you can put all kind of information. A large image of a product or something representative to you can now be easily noticed by the people around you. Think about it, everyone stays for a few seconds after the traffic lights, and a lot of people are passing on the street.
Now maybe not all of them will be your customers, but clearly everyone will see your name on the banner and some of them will read the informations that you choosed to be written there. Again, some of those who read will become interested and they will search. No matter how will they do it, your advertising mission is accomplished.
In order to be the most visible, you should choose a location for your banner as close to the most trafficked areas. In this way you might be seen by far much people that in a limited area. Now, if we are talking about the costs for this kind of advertising, let’s see. You will need to rent the space, to make the banner, and to have an idea to put on it.
If you want not to spend money and make yourself the banner, you will need a printing press like those ones: . This may be a really good solution, especially because on the market earlier mentioned are gathered a lot of used printing presses at much lower prices than usual.
For the location and the ideas, well that might depend on what you have in mind. Anyway, this advertising method is quite usual, and the most of all…it works!